English Intern
Institut für Virologie und Immunbiologie


Backes S, Jager C, Dembek CJ, Kosinska AD, Bauer T, Stephan AS, Dislers A, Mutwiri G, Busch DH, Babiuk LA, Gasteiger G, and Protzer U, “Protein-prime / modified vaccinia virus Ankara vector-boost vaccination overcomes tolerance in high-antigenemic HBV transgenic mice.” Vaccine, 2016 Feb 10;34(7):923-32.


Varble A, Albrecht R, Backes S, Crumiller, M, Bouvier NM, Sachs D, Garcia-Sastre, A., and tenOever BR, “Barcoded influenza A viruses reveal both sequence-dependent and -independent bottlenecks during virus transmission.” Cell Host Microbe, 2014 Nov 12;16(5):691-700.


Backes S, Langlois RA, Schmid S, Varble A, Shim JV, Sachs D, and tenOever BR, “The mammalian response to virus infection is independent of small RNA silencing.” Cell Reports, 2014 Jul 10;8(1):114-25.


Backes S, Shapiro JS, Sabin LR, Pham AM, Reyes I, Moss B, Cherry S, and tenOever BR, “Degradation of host miRNAs by poxvirus poly(A) polymerase reveals terminal RNA methylation as a protective anti-viral mechanism.” Cell Host Microbe, 2012 Aug 16;12(2):200-10.


Backes S, Sperling KM, Zwilling J, Gasteiger G, Ludwig H, Kremmer E, Schwantes A, Staib C, and Sutter G, “Viral host range factor C7 or K1 is essential for modified vaccinia virus Ankara late gene expression in human and murine cells, irrespective of their capacity to inhibit protein kinase R-mediated phoshporylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha.” J Gen Virol., 2010 Feb;91(Pt 2):470-82.